JISC infoNet Measurement Tools portal Measurement Tools / Measurement tools

Measurement tools



The purpose of this wiki is to help you to identify and access the measurement tool you need to fulfil the task in hand.


Institutions are increasingly finding it necessary to measure various aspects of their performance. This could be to determine comparative areas of strength and weakness, to help identify priorities for investment or to enable the institution to benchmark themselves against peers or against themselves prior to undertaking a change initiative.


There are a significant number of tools which have been developed over the years by JISC and others to assist institutions in this regard. All of these tools have something in common; they are all designed to help institutions to measure something they do - either in a standalone way or against a predefined set of criteria. And yet despite this commonality of purpose each is also different, either designed to help analyse within a specific subject area (for example records management or information security), or in the type of tool it is (for example a maturity model or a calculator) or in the type of data it produces and whether its of a quantitative or qualitative nature.


For the first time our Measurement Tools wiki brings together an extensive range of such tools in one place. It provides multiple ways of finding the tool that best meets your requirements based on any of its attributes and gives a standard set of information about each tool.


Through this functionality the Measurement Tools wiki allows you to find the tool that will be most useful to you, to know what to expect from it and how to gain access to it.


You can view the measurement tools by using the A to Z list in the sidebar or by using the tags.

Please note that the wiki is very much 'work in progress'. If you know of a publicly-funded HE/FE-specific measurement tool which we have not included please let us know. Equally, if you believe any of the information relating to any of the tools featured is incorrect we would be only too pleased to correct it. Please contact us at jiscinfonet@northumbria.ac.uk

Jisc infoNet is a Jisc service


Image CC BY 2.0 Jamiesrabbits