JISC infoNet Measurement Tools portal Measurement Tools / FE information security toolkit
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FE information security toolkit

About this toolkit

Toolkit and risk register
Subject areas
Information security
Technology Platform
MS Excel 2007 for proof of concept, web based from 2012
Conditions of use
Not yet available
Not yet available
Date of original release
Date of last known update
Current status
In development

Summary of stated purpose


The aim of the toolkit is to enable Further Education institutions (FEIs) to calculate their exposure to risk in areas of information security and to offer formulae for risk reduction.


Completion of a risk register that identifies 10 business risks and enables institutions to identify areas and levels of risk in areas such as information security policy, physical access control, illegal software and viruses etc. In addition self-assessment is invited in areas of security responsibility, IT risk management, equipment security, asset management, access to secure areas, user access, data validation and business continuity. An overall risk rating is provided on completion.


Output types


Quantitative and qualitative


Supporting evidence


This tool was developed by the Regional Support Centres for use in FE institutions. It was piloted at a number of these institutions and now awaits final development and uploading.




CONTACT Noel McDaid, RSC Northern Ireland