Summary of stated purpose
The aim of the Online Promotion of Research Expertise Toolkit is to help institutions identify whether their use of online channels in communicating information about the expertise of researchers within their organisation meets the needs of both business and wider communities, as well as the researchers themselves.
Output types
Strengths and weaknesses of current communication as identified through self-assessment gradings. Outputs show current status, priority and significance in relation to strategy, stakeholder needs, organisation, promotion, resourcing, metrics, evaluation, measuring costs, gap analysis etc.
Supporting evidence
Developed using the final report (undated) of study undertaken for JISC by Rightscom 'Online Communication and Promotion of Research Expertise'. Part of JISC's Business Community Engagement programme. Examined websites of 75 HEIs, and conducted stakeholder interviews with researchers, BCE/business and enterprise/KT staff in HEIs, press offices and marketing staff, intermediaries and brokers, SMEs and third sector organisations. Other outputs include presentations at dissemination event April 2011.