JISC infoNet Measurement Tools portal Measurement Tools / Open Educational Resources (OER) Risk Management Calculator

Open Educational Resources (OER) Risk Management Calculator

About this toolkit

Subject areas
Risk management, e-resources, intellectual property rights
Technology Platform
Conditions of use
Freely available from website
Date of original release
January 2011
Date of last known update
Current status


Summary of stated purpose


The aim of the Risk Management Calculator is to provide a tool for use when creating OERs, to be used as part of a wider Risk Assessment process. It can be used for text base, art and still image, audio base, moving image and broadcast works and can be used to help understand factors that might determine specific levels of risk.


Output types



The calculator provides an Indicative Risk Value from low (1) to high (5) for different types of works depending on whether these include clinical content/images of identifiable individuals/children for which rights have not been cleared; type of licence anticipated if any; nature of knowledge of creator; nature of contact with rights owner.


Supporting evidence


The OER IPR Support Project is delivered by JISC Legal, Web2Rights Ltd and Creative Commons UK. Further information and templates can be found at: www.web2rights.com/OERIPRSupport and Strategic Content Alliance blog http://sca.jiscinvolve.org/wp/


URL http://www.web2rights.com/OERIPRSupport/risk-management-calculator/


CONTACT Open Educational Resources (OER) Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Support Project at http://www.web2rights.com/OERIPRSupport/about.html