JISC infoNet Measurement Tools portal Measurement Tools / Work-based learning maturity model

Work-based learning maturity model

About this toolkit

Maturity model
Subject areas
Technology Platform
PBworks wiki
Conditions of use
Freely available
Date of original release
March 2011
Date of last known update
Current status


Summary of stated purpose


The purpose of the Work-based Learning Maturity Toolkit is to support HE/FE sectors in enhancing employer provision of work-based learning (WBL) and to:


  • Assess their current performance in work-based learning
  • Identify a Vision for work-based learning
  • Identify the "enablers" and "barriers" to achieving the Vision
  • Develop recommendations for actions and change management


Output types



Qualitative outputs or statements for each of


  • institutional readiness
  • Faculty/School/Dept readiness
  • programme design for WBL
  • programme delivery and assessment for WBL
  • effective partnerships
  • quality of learner experience
  • effective usable accessible technologies


Outputs include:


  • An assessment of their current performance in work-based learning
  • A vision of where they would like to get to
  • "Enablers" and "barriers" for reaching their vision
  • Recommendations for future actions
  • Plans for change management


The tool is not an on-line assessment, it provides a methodology and suggested questions for gathering data are supplied for the seven criteria.


Supporting evidence


Development partners were Universities of Bradford, Middlesex & Westminster and the University of Wales Institute, Cardiff, Craven College, ELRAH (Edinburgh, Lothians , Fife and Borders Regional Articulation Hub), JISC and Peter Chatterton.


URL http://wbltoolkit.pbworks.com/w/page/35396849/Home%20page%20-%20WBL%20Maturity%20Toolkit